London Medieval Murder Map

It has been brought to my attention that there seems to be a common point of interest between many criminologists, investigators or simply curious people who have a slight interest in crime investigation. That shared interest is nothing less than the history of crime itself. 

Through self experience, I can say that I have always been interested in the history of crime, more specifically murders. It is no surprise that I have received eye-rolls once such curiosity was shared. It is no surprise that I have received 'not-so-gentle' comments regarding the same topic. However, it was the same interest that pushed me into attending the course of BA(Hons) Criminology, and the history of crime is one topic that always grasps my attention the most in all my lectures and seminars. 

Fortunately enough, I have stumbled upon a website that got me hung up on it for almost an entire hour. If you also love to discover crimes that have happened a long time ago, this website will amaze you. The London Medieval Murder Map is its name, and below I am going to explain its purpose.

The London Medieval Murder Map is an interactive online map which provides researched details on murders that took place in the Medieval London. It was created within the University of Cambridge and it is based on the original record produced by the Coroner. 

The experience was constructed around a medieval map, and each pin constitutes an approximate location in which the event reported occured.  As we can see in this image, when clicking on a certain pin, we are shown the history, time, murder and victim of each case. 

I hope this article has shown you how interesting the website can be, and I recommend everyone to give it a try and to take some useful minutes to read and experiment every bit of information that is emerged in this Medieval Map.

Click here to be redirected to their website:

All these images belong to the following reference and were only meant to provide a stimulating visual assistance to the article:
Eisner, Manuel (2018) Interactive London Medieval Murder Map. University of Cambridge: Institute of Criminology, retrieved from (